Wednesday, July 18, 2012

C.P.L.D.J.D.A. Podcast - Episode 26

"What's black and white and red all over?"
Here's a brand new(ish) podcast of us talking about pretty much anything under the sun!

Some highlights -

Bath Salts
High Cuisine Japan Penis
The Best Garage Sale Ever Wrap-Up
The World's Strongest Man
Keg Drinking
Keg Tossing
Pop Goes The Weasel
Pop Goes The Weasel sings "Holla Back Girl" - Review
Breast Feeding on Magazine Covers
Dirty Jokes
And More!!!!

Man, you can really tell we recorded this a month ago. This stuff was really relevant then. Oh well, this may not be relevant, but it is funny!

Right-click the link and choose "Save Link As..." to save the document to your computer

C.P.L.D.J.D.A. Podcast - Episode 26

You can check us out on iTunes also.