Thursday, January 12, 2012

C.P.L.D.J.D.A. Podcast - New Year's 2012

"Who let the rhino make the calendar? They can't count past 2012!" - Mayan Guy
Welcome to 2012, loyal C.P.L.D.J.D.A. fans! It's our last year until the world ends, so enjoy listening to this podcast with your loved ones. And we should probably all just spend the second half of the year in Vegas, because... fuck it!

This installment we talk about the future being disappointing. Also "Science Corner!!!!" and "Q&A with T&A!!!!" Come for the nonsense, stay for the jingles.

Right-click the link and choose "Save Link As..." to save the document to your computer

C.P.L.D.J.D.A. Podcast - New Year's Podcast 2012

You can check us out on iTunes also.