Thursday, December 22, 2011

C.P.L.D.J.D.A. Podcast - Christmas Extravaganza!

Merry Christmas everybody from the C.P.L.D.J.D.A.!

Here's our special present to you. Us! 

You're sure to enjoy listening to this holiday themed episode of the C.P.L.D.J.D.A. Podcast!

If not drink more and then listen again.

Share this with your family. ...Actually, that sounds like a bad idea. Unless your family is awesome, then carry on.

See you in the New Year!

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C.P.L.D.J.D.A. Podcast - Christmas Extravaganza!

You can check us out on iTunes also.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

C.P.L.D.J.D.A. Podcast - Man Crushes

This installment of the C.P.L.D.J.D.A. Podcast is all about Man Crushes!
Ever wonder what happens when we drink through an entire podcast and then make one about our heterosexual desire to hang out with famous dudes we think are cool?

This does.

Rated A for Awkward Admiration of Other Men

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C.P.L.D.J.D.A. Podcast - Man Crushes

You can check us out on iTunes also.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

C.P.L.D.J.D.A. Podcast - Pet Peeves

This installment of the C.P.L.D.J.D.A. Podcast is about Pet Peeves we have.
Man, we hate many, many things.
Hate things with us.

This part of the post is only for John Tesh.

I'm going to fight you, John Tesh.
I know you're listening.
We're going to fight.
Just a heads up.

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C.P.L.D.J.D.A. Podcast - Pet Peeves

You can check us out on iTunes also.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

C.P.L.D.J.D.A. Podcast - Guilty Pleasures

Hey all you C.P.L.D.J.D.A. podcast fans, I hope you had a pleasant Thanksgiving holiday. I know that I am thankful that John Smith and Pocahontas used the Ark of the Covenant to drive all of the turkeys out of Detroit so the Lions could lose to various football teams on Thursday every year.

You know what else I'm thankful for? Podcasts. Especially this one.

This installment we talk about some of our Guilty Pleasures. So listen and judge us. You know you want to. Judgy McJudgerson.

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C.P.L.D.J.D.A. Podcast - Guilty Pleasures

You can check us out on iTunes also.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Podcast - Kids Think the Stupidest Things

Placeholder image -
I fucked up my black marker drawing on pumpkins, so I couldn't draw a rhino.

Holy shit kids are dumb. Listen to how dumb we were when we were kids. Laugh with/ at us. Tell your friends.

Repeat as necessary.


All the cool kids are doing it. You want to be cool don't you? Just try it once. What's the worst that could happen? Pussy. Just try it.


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C.P.L.D.J.D.A. Podcast - Kids Think The Stupidest Things

You can check us out on iTunes also.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Podcast - Our Favorites (and Least Favorites)

Pickles and Gingers and Almond Joy Bars,
Rape as currency, and certain pop stars,
The Jersey Shore and the Snooki it brings,
These are a few of our least favorite things!

Right click the link and choose "Save Link As..." to save the Podcast to your computer.

C.P.L.D.J.D.A. Podcast - Favorite & Least Favorite Things

Check us out on iTunes also!

Podcast - Social Networking

Oh shit, internets!!! Get ready for some podcasting awesomeness. Listen to our podcast about Social Networking and then go "like" us on Facebook. We are friend-whores. Not to be confused with sex-for-money-whores. Not that we have a problem with that...


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C.P.L.D.J.D.A. Podcast - Social Networking

You can also check us out on iTunes also.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Podcast #2 - The 90s & Us

Hey Yo! Stop, collaborate and listen.
The C.P.L.D.J.D.A. is back with a brand new invention.
A Podcast that'll grab a hold of you tightly.
Flow like a harpoon daily and nightly.
Will the C.P.L.D.J.D.A. ever stop?
Yo, I don't know!
Press play on the player down below!

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C.P.L.D.J.D.A. Podcast #2

Sunday, August 28, 2011

C.P.L.D.J.D.A. Inaugural Podcast!

Hey everybody! Guess who made a podcast? We did! It's chock full of the half drunken ramblings you've come to expect from the C.P.L.D.J.D.A. but with none of that pesky reading. Enjoy!

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C.P.L.D.J.D.A's Inaugural Podcast!